Todd Lutsky, Esq., LLM & Tom McKinnon, Esq.
Cushing & Dolan Elder Law Centers
Last Minute Medicaid Techniques: Come learn How To:
- Protect the primary residence for married and single folks;
- Make countable rental property non-countable
- Make countable vacation property non-countable
- Protect life insurance policies (whole life vs. term life)
- Protect excess resources through Medicaid annuities and pooled trusts.
- Differentiate Countable vs. non-countable assets
- Deal with the caretaker child exception, related rules, and recent fair hearing decisions
- Medicaid liens operate and how they can actually be a good thing
- The five year lookback period operates and related exceptions vs. the penalty period;
- Special needs trusts and sole benefit trusts operations
- Get a family worth $2 million eligible for Medicaid last minute when one spouse gets sick.
Drafting & Taxation of Irrevocable Income Only Trusts: Come learn How To:
- Draft irrevocable trusts to withstand MassHealth’s scrutiny;
- Frequent arguments made by MassHealth
- Eligibility operations memo 20-04
- Recent Fair Hearing Decisions and SJC Cases that support irrevocable trusts, Administrative, consistency and due process.
- Eligibility operations memo 20-04
- How the Limited Power of Appointment operates.
- Grantor trust rules for income tax purposes
- 26 U.S.C. section 1014 (a) and step up in basis works with these trusts
- Gift tax consequences of these trusts 26 CFR Section 25.2511(c)
- Estate tax consequences of these trusts including drafting of the marital and remainder shares to both protect assets and shelter for estate taxes;
- Eligibility operations memo 19-12 re-defining calculation of life estates, remainder values, etc
Testamentary Trusts, IRAs, and Life Insurance:
- How trust and transfer rules apply to testamentary trusts, how to draft them, and how they operate;
- Estate and Income tax benefits of naming the Estate as the designating beneficiary, calculation
- of RMD, and other benefits and potential pitfalls.
Tuition: $325.00 includes Over 1,000+ Pages
$195.00 Materials Only Massachusetts Medicaid Planning Survival Guide Price Includes Shipping/Handling | Medicaid Planning Update Order Form |